Terms and Conditions

Participation in the competition: Any interested person may participate in the competition.

To participate please follow these steps:

By your participation, you agree to the terms and conditions in their entirety, without amendment or provision. By participating in the competition, you consent to the public release of your scores and submissions at the GermEval-2024 workshop and in the associated proceedings. Participation is understood as any direct or indirect contributions to this site or the shared task organizers, such as, but not limited to: results of automatic scoring programs; manual, qualitative and quantitative assessments of the data submitted; task and system papers submitted.

Individual and team participation: Participants can participate as individuals or as part of one team. Teams and individual participants must create exactly one account to participate in the Codabench competition and both teams and individuals must register a team name. Team name and user name must be supplied Team composition may not be changed once the Competition Phase starts. Your system is named according to the team name provided at the time of submission, or to a suitable shorthand as determined by the task organizers.

Scoring of submissions: Submissions are evaluated with automatic and manual quantitative judgements, qualitative judgements, and any other metrics as the task organizers see fit. You accept that the ultimate decision of metric choice and score value is that of the task organizers. Organizers are under no obligation to release scores. Official scores may be withheld if organizers judge the submission incomplete, erroneous, deceptive, or violating the letter or spirit of the competition’s rules. Inclusion of a submission’s scores is not an endorsement of a team or individual’s submission. If multiple submission files are uploaded during the Competition Phase, the last submission file per group will be understood as the team’s or participant’s definitive submission and ranked as such in the task description paper.

Important: submission will only be considered for the final ranking if the team name specified for the submission matches a team that has been registered for participation and the codabench user who made the submission also matches the codabench user name that has been specified in the registration for participation.

Data usage: The provided data should be used responsibly and ethically. Do not attempt to misuse it in any way, including, but not limited to, reconstructing test sets, any non-scientific use of the data, or any other unconscionable usage of the data. You may not redistribute the task data except in the manner prescribed by its licence.

Specific conditions for closed and open tracks: Participants agree to follow the specific conditions for closed tracks and open tracks, which specify the type of data allowed for pretraining the model.

Submission of system description papers: Participants having made at least one submission the Competition Phase will be able to submit a paper describing their system. For the closed track paper submission the open-source code of their solution has to be accessible to the public. We also stronly encourage providing open source solutions for the open track submissions as far as possible. The paper submission deadline is shown on the overview page.

Final Competition Ranking: the final rankings for subtask 1 and subtask 2 are determined after the paper review and camera ready submission have ended. The final ranking may deviate from what is shown on the leaderboard if participants did not adhere to the rules or if the algorithm for scoring submissions had to be updated. Only submissions for which a paper describing the solution has been submitted and an open source solution is available will be considered in the ranking. Please note that if a team has several submissions in the competition phase, only the latest submission (the one that also shows up on the leaderboard) will be considered!

Acknowledgements: This shared task was created by OFAI with funding from the FFG project EKIP.