Panel Discussion „Use and Utility of AI in Media Content Production“

Date: 10. September 2024

Time: 16:30 – 17:30

Location: Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK)
Radetzkystraße 2, 1030 Wien
Room EA08 (Parterre)
Note: Please, bring your passport or identity card to get access to the event space!!!

Representatives from the media, AI research and application, IT and media law, as well as Digital Humanism will discuss the use of AI in media production, current conditions of AI use and effects on the media consumers, as well as needs assessments and visions for the future. Among other things, the following questions will be discussed: What is the role of the media as users and developers of AI-supported systems for media production? What are the requirements with regard to an AI-related information and education mission? What role do the rapid technical developments in AI play from the perspective of AI-related research and media producers against the background of legal and social framework conditions?

Verena Krawarik (APA), Stefan Kollinger (ORF), Christian Burger (, Peter Knees (TU Wien; Digital Humanism), Alexandra Ciarnau (IT-/IP-/Data protection lawyer at DORDA and board member of Women in AI Austria), Brigitte Krenn (Österreichisches Forschungsinstitut für Artificial Intelligence and board member of the Austrian Society for Artificial Intelligence), Daniela Murhammer-Sas (Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology).